Google Suite
Oct. 2020–Dec. 2020
Under the mentorship of Bloomberg UX designers Anthony Viviano, Linda Le, and Lucy Chen, the objective was to conceptualize and design the branding, UI/UX, and interaction design for our app. My partner and I brainstormed possible topic spaces, ultimately deciding on mental health because of our mutual advocacy. Our product, Altitude, is a university messaging app for college students to get help from campus counselors, find mental health resources, and connect with their campus community.
Thanhthao Van
Selected screens from counseling information, scheduling, and setup.
Altitude’s Purpose:
The idea behind Altitude is to encourage more college students, who struggle with anxiety and depression, to utilize on-campus counseling by providing an easier way for them to access their university’s free mental health resources.
Design Process
This project was done in 2-person teams randomly assigned by the professor. The initial research we gathered came from a combination of peer-reviewed articles, websites, and google surveys to aid us in figuring out the features needed for the app. We focused on understanding the pain points target users experienced when getting help along with some major causes of mental health issues. My partner conducted market research while I drafted our problem statement proposal and a second user story. We decided to use Figma to become familiar with another design software besides Adobe XD.
Initially, our project scope was ambitious such as attempting to incorporate the idea of AI to gather user information to create schedules from questionnaires. However, we learned that it would be too much as advised by our mentors. The scope of our app concept went through several revisions in order to create a quality application within the time constraint.
Our deliverables were a process book and app prototype. While we both worked on branding iterations/elements, research, and ideation revisions, we each had our own divided responsibilities. For the process book, I worked the problem statements, ideation, user needs/solutions, sitemap, flowchart, and page details pages. My focus in the app prototype was the main counseling tab, sessions/appointments, scheduling, waitlist, inquiries, and profile/settings.
Revisions to the mobile app and process book were made with the help of feedback from my partner and professor. From this, I learned the importance of communication and compromise within a team, and the value of user research.
My focus in the app prototype was the main counseling tab, sessions/appointments, scheduling, waitlist, inquiries, and profile/settings.